Epicor customization add-on modules are available for our much valued customers, including modules such as:
- Statement & Payment Advice Email Automation
- Cheque Printing Bank Interface File to DBS
- PRC Report Generation by FRx
- Bank Interface File to HSBC
- COA Segmentation
- Reference Code Segmentation
- AR / AP Simplified
- Screen Ar / AP Master Synchronization
- Simple Item Master on AR
- Simple Committed Budget Accounting
- Import AR Voucher and AR Invoice form Excel
- Warehouse Handheld Application**
- Auto Serial Numbering on Receiving**
** Available to Epicor Enterprise Distribution
Email Automation
In order to save the time and risk of human error, we have developed an add-on function for Epicor to email the statement of Account and Payment Advice to your customer and vendor. Certainly we aware the concern from your accounts department,
there is a preview and confirm process before sending out the email.
Epicor Interface File to Bank Cheque Printing
Feature Highlights:
- Interface File to DBS Cheque Printing
- Bank Cheque Process File Expor
- Bank Cheque File Upload
Customize Report Generation
- AP Payment Voucher
- GL Voucher
- AR Receipt Voucher
- Overdue AR Aging
- AR Receipt Form
- GL – with AR, AP Source Description
- Asset Label
- SysNumbering Report
- AM Fixed Asset Activity Summary (various grouping)
- AM Dep Schedule (various grouping)
- AM Disposal Schedule
- AP Envelope Label